Below is a list of many places with some great datasets. This list is by no means exhaustive. You may also want to check the blog posts for “data.” Data Sources / Datasets Berkeley SDA (Survey and Data Analysis) CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) GSS (General Social Survey) ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research) Contains many datasets available for download including the CILS and IIMMLA datasets; anyone may create an account and access the datasets. INSEE (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies) French census data is available from INSEE INED (Institut National Etudes Demographiques) Los …
Author: Kate
Know Your Rights Toolkits
The New York Immigration Coalition has put out a Know Your Rights toolkit. The toolkit is available in Chinese Toolkit Spanish Toolkit English Toolkit In addition, CUNY’s Law School offers clinics to assist immigrants and non-citizens. Also take a look at CUNY CLEAR (Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility) project which offers help with legal representation and consultation.
Immigration Research Centers
There are no hard and fast lines for what a “research center” is or how it differs from our “datasets and data” page (since many datasets are actually housed at research centers. Nevertheless, we tried to add a little organization here. In addition to these centers, there are many resources that are based at various CUNY campuses. Center for Comparative Immigration Studies (CCIS)(UCSD) Centre for European Migration and Ethnic Studies (CEMES) Centre for European Refugees, Migration, and Ethnic Studies (CERMES) Center for Inter-American and Border Studies (University of Texas) Center for International Human Rights (Northwestern University) Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (NYU …
CUNY Immigration Resources
There are a number of CUNY-wide initiatives and resources on immigration. Below are only some places to start. CUNY-wide Initiatives CUNY Citizenship Now! CUNY Immigration Policy Changes Information These resources are intended for CUNY students, faculty, and staff with questions and concerns about recent changes in federal policies around immigration. CUNY Law Immigrant Initiatives (CLII) Immigration Research Initiative CCNY CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI) GC-CUNY Center for Urban Research CUNY Data Service CUNY Mapping Service New York City Labor Market Information Service Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies Center for Latin American, Caribbean, …
Voting Rights and Non-Citizens
Guest Contributor: Ron Hayduk (Queens College, CUNY) is the author of Democracy for All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights in the United States (Routledge, 2006) and is a co-founder of the Coalition to Expand Voting Rights. Can you imagine how electoral dynamics in New York City would change if one million new voters were added to the rolls, particularly if those new voters were the newest New Yorkers? That question may be answered in the 2013 elections, if a bill that was recently introduced into the New York City Council passes. The Voting Rights Restoration Act (aka, Intro 410) would restore voting rights to legal noncitizen …